Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Adaptation to the professional activities of employees of the Internal Affairs bodies during the period of professional education is an important condition for the success of further professional activities, which determines the effectiveness and reliability of the subject in performing operational and service tasks. A direction of current importance in the study of various aspects of adaptation to professional activity is the correlation of the system of personal values and motives with the norms and values of the professional environment, their dynamics in the process of adaptation to professional activity, which is confirmed in theoretical and empirical studies. The article presents the results of the empirical study of the dynamics of the value-motivational sphere of the personality of Internal Affairs body’s employees in the process of vocational education, both of the general sample and the division according to the level of personal adaptation potential. Statistical analysis made it possible to establish reliably significant differences in the motivational orientation of the individual, characteristic both for the general sample and for individual groups. It was found that by the end of vocational education, employees with a high level of adaptive potential are characterized by changes in the value-semantic and motivational spheres, which contributes to more active interpersonal interaction,successful entry into the professional environment and the desire to increase the level of education and acquire new professional competencies. Employees with low adaptive potential are characterized by the desire to complete training as soon as possible and to reduce the importance of professional activity and the prestige of the service. Indicators of the dynamics of the value-motivational sphere of the personality of employees in the process of vocational training underline the importance of this stage in adaptation to professional activity and the need for psychological and pedagogical support of employees newly recruited into the service of the Internal Affairs bodies.

vocational education, adaptation to professional activity, personal adaptive potential, motivational orientation, value-semantic sphere.

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