, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.77 Уголовное право
The penal system of Mongolia differs greatly from other law enforcement agencies of Mongolia and foreign countries. First of all, this kind of distinction is related to its structure which involves criminal and civil penal systems. The effectiveness of the realization of the mission of Mongolia correctional system as a body of the probation service depends substantially on the strategy of its human resources policy. On the basis of the study of actual state of human resources policy the author consequently concludes that it would be appropriate to create a unified systemic regulatory and institutional framework for human resources policy of Mongolia enforcement bodies responsible for executing judicial decisions. The guidance on solving current issues of the today’s human resources policy of the penal system is offered.
penal system, personnel management, human resources policy of Mongolia penal system, Mongolia probation service, executing judicial decisions, concept
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