Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the issues of using the folklore of spring-summer folk holidays in the educational process of primary school. Acquaintance of younger schoolchildren with the history and traditions of Russian culture, coming from ancient times, is considered as a means of educating a comprehensively developed personality, focused on the spiritual and moral values of their people, a way of forming the qualities of a citizen and a patriot in children. The possibilities of acquainting students with folklore timed to various calendar folk holidays, in the preparation and conduct of which the children themselves are actively involved, are revealed. Numerous examples of songs, proverbs, sayings, and chants passed down from generation to generation are given.
younger schoolchild; spiritual, moral and patriotic education; traditional folk holidays; labor calendar cycle of a Rusich-farmer; genres of folklore: proverbs, sayings, songs, chants
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