graduate student from 01.01.2019 to 01.01.2020
The article discusses approaches to the use of the Scrath programming environment in the educational process of primary school. The methodological manuals of S.N. Tur, T.P. Bokuchava, O. N. Burtaeva, describing the methodology for teaching programming, and various educational programming environments: LightBot, Little Wizzard, RoboMind. The possibilities that open up when using the Scrath programming environment in solving the problems of forming information literacy of younger students, organizing their educational research activities, as well as positive socialization are evaluated.
younger students; formation of skills to work with information; methodological approaches; Scrath programming environment; modeling; search and research activities of students; intellectual development; positive socialization
1. Burtaeva O.N. Programmirovanie na Scratch (dlya nachinayushchih) [Scratch programming (for beginners)]. Available at: (accessed 09 September 2020).
2. Tur S.N., Bokuchava T.P. Metodicheskoe posobie po informatike dlya uchitelej 2–4 klassov obshcheobrazovatel'nyh shkol [Informatics manual for teachers of grades 2-4 in secondary schools]. St. Petersburg: BHV-Peterburg (BHV) Publ., 2010. 496 p.
3. Hodakova N.P., Davoyan I.L. Robototekhnika v shkole kak vneurochnaya deyatel'nost' uchashchihsya [Robotics at school as extracurricular activities of students]. Informatizaciya obrazovaniya – 2018: trudy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Informatization of Education - 2018: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference]. Moscow: Sovremennyj gumanitarnyj universitet Publ., 2018, pp. 200–206.