Belgorod, Russian Federation
Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
The article considers a variant of a literary reading lesson, in which third grade students study a story with elements of a fairy tale by A.P. Gaidar - "Hot Stone". The teacher uses active teaching methods, offering younger schoolchildren paired and group forms of work, as well as educational research on the concept of “the meaning of life” with its different content. Work on the theme and ideological meaning of a literary work contributes to the formation of an active life position in younger students. A feature of the lesson is the inclusion of local history material in its content.
a lesson in literary reading; third grade students; pair and group forms of work; educational research; theme and ideological meaning of a literary work; genre affiliation; active life position; the use of local history material
1. Gajdar A.P. Timur i ego komanda [Timur and his team]. Moscow: Samovar Publ., 2017. 144 p.
2. Efrosinina L.A., Omorokova M.I. Literaturnoe chtenie. 3 klass [Literary reading. Grade 3]. Moscow: Ventana-Graf Publ., 2020. 192 p.
3. Efrosinina L.A. Literaturnoe chtenie. 3 klass: rabochaya tetrad' № 2 dlya uchashchihsya obshcheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenij [Literary reading. Grade 3: workbook number 2 for students of educational institutions]. Moscow: Ventana-Graf Publ., 2012. 96 p.
4. Kamov Boris. Partizanskoj tropoj Gajdara: rasskaz-poisk [Gaidar's partisan path: story-search]. Moscow: Detskaya literature Publ., 1968. 292 p.