Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The present research featured the problems of interaction between scientific community and the local authorities in five regions of the Federal Siberian district: Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, and Tomsk regions, the Altai Territory, and the Republic of Tuva. The research objective was to identify and describe the dominant model of interaction between the scientific community and the authorities in Siberia. The study was based on the method of semi-structured expert interviews, which involved 34 scientists. The authors identified the level of subjectivity of regional scientific communities as groups of experts in the process of making political and state decisions. They also described the models and specifics in building interaction between scientists and the local authorities. The article introduces the main challenges to the process of building up an effective and collaborative relationship, namely the prevailing electoral-authoritarian regime and a weak expert function of the scientific community. The interaction was mostly represented by an informal (non-institutionalized) model with a poor involvement of expert community.

scientific community, expert community, public policy, political process, regional policy
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