Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article presents the results of a study of the immune status of 46 patients with lower extremities atherosclerosis obliterans before and after reconstructive surgery. To assess the nature of the immunologic changes the content of the markers were determined in systemic circulation and subcutaneous veins of the rear foot serum. It was established that patients suffering obliterating atherosclerosis of lower extremities had dysimmunoglobulinemia between the characteristics of systemic and local blood flow. The high content of markers of chronic inflammation - immunoglobulins of classes A, G, anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6 was detected especially in local blood flow both in pre and post-operative periods. The marked decrease was found in immunoglobulin class A in local blood flow compared to the pre-operative values by 6.87% (p=0.02), to 11.52% (p<0.05), 12,4% (p<0.05) after femoral-popliteal, aorta-femoral and interventional treatment respec-tively. The authors observed a decrease in circulating immune complexes after the reconstructive surgery in the systemic and local blood flow. A statistically significant decrease in circulating immune complexes was revealed in local blood flow after femoral-popliteal bypass surgery in 2 times (p=0.00001) and after angioplasty with stenting on 37,03% (p=0.0005).

obliterating arteriosclerosis, reconstructive surgery, pro-inflammatory cytokines, immune status.

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