Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Dynamically changing conditions for the development of society, transformations taking place both in the internal and external environment of the organization, have a significant impact on the processes of personnel management. Each employee contributes to the end result of the enterprise. Employee satisfaction affects the competitiveness of the company, its stability in a crisis, the ability to take a leading position in changes in the market economy. Staff satisfaction is one of the key factors for the stable functioning of the company. The more employees are satisfied with their work space, functional duties, organization, nature and content of work, material and intangible incentives, advancement on the career ladder, labor collective, the more effective their work in the organization will become. Also, among the factors affecting the satisfaction of staff work, one can distinguish the qualification of an employee, his individual characteristics, gender, age, length of service. The person in the organization acts as the most important resource in which it is necessary to invest a special type of investment in the form of remuneration, providing opportunities for the development and improvement of professional skills, creating comfortable working conditions. The need to understand the mechanisms that drive a person, affect his satisfaction with labor and then encourage him to develop and have led to this study.

satisfaction with work of personnel, work, personnel of the organization, personnel management, human resources, human resources, human resource management

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