In this day and age, the basic characteristics of motivated labor efforts are described. This study is a comprehensive study of the motivations of labor workers. A detailed analysis of subspecies in Japan, SSA, France, Great Britain, Germany and Sweden has been conducted. For rubies, various methods of motivating staff are suggested. National Economics Companies presented the principles of independence: more personalized staff, long-term and hard work, and more generally work and professional relationships. In American companies, the motivation is based on stimulating activities. In France, the basic method of motivation for a full-time employee is to work for weeks, which means that working hours a week do not exceed 35 hours, and in Russia – 40 hours. At the same time, two modifications of the system are being introduced in Great Britain, depending on the companies involved: today, the basis for which the regulatory supplementation is fully implemented, the video is activated and the payment plan is established in the established earnings. In Germany, for many workers, the economic benefits of the eye mean a lot, and the study of local interest and determination places personalities in the social system. In Sweden, the most important thing is to be diligent - as a social collective, material and non-material motivation motivated by the background plan, in the context of the total management of organizations motivated to pay minimal attention. The Western subcontinent combines financial, material and non-material incentives.
motivation, labor motivation, staff motivation, staff incentives, remuneration, foreign motivation systems
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