The purpose of the study is to evaluate the company's project managers on the basis of a competency model developed in accordance with international standards in the field of project management to inform management about their level of knowledge and identify needs of the Training. The theoretical significance of the work consists in the use of the competence approach and the competence model as an effective tool for evaluating project managers. The practical relevance of the research is to solve the problem of dissatisfaction of investors with the results of the projects. During the research, information about project management is summarized, internal regulations and local acts of the company are studied, with the participation of one of the authors of the article as an employee of the research organization conducted included observation (in real production process conditions), as well as the first stage of the evaluation. As a proposal to improve the current situation, a program was developed, a three-stage comprehensive assessment of 36 employees was organized and conducted, with the establishment of a rating and the formation of individual development plans.
project management, professional competencies, behavioral competencies, target competency model, evaluation program
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