Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Based on the generalization of domestic and foreign studies, the article analyzes the possibilities and prospects of using the psychophysiological study of polygraph personnel to solve the problem of personnel security in an organization. The main schools of using the polygraph and modern spheres of its application are highlighted, including in commercial organizations. It is shown that the use of a polygraph is a tool for obtaining the necessary additional information when hiring an employee, as well as a tool for preventing his deviant behavior (in particular, the polygraph allows identifying employees who use the company's property for personal purposes, who ignore their job responsibilities, violate business processes that communicate rudely with the company's customers, various thefts, thefts, taking bribes from suppliers, embezzlement of money, forgery of financial and reporting documents and other hidden violations). The technique of using a polygraph in the recruitment process is presented. The article discusses the limitations of using the results of printing research, which must be taken into account in practice, including the following: the results are probabilistic in nature, are indirect evidence of involvement in the identified violations, can be used as a vector for further research, and also as an additional source of data in cases of asymmetry information (for example, when hiring), the verification procedure can be used as a measure to prevent future corporate offenses or other damage to the company due to the low competence of the hired employee.
polygraphic psychophysiological research, recruitment, company’s personnel security
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