Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper it is noted that a characteristic and most important feature of domestic education is close interaction of teacher and student, mentoring, the dominant formula: first love, and then teach. It is feared that the teacher-student personal interaction is lost with the introduction of a graduated training system, dominance of all kinds of testing, and development of distance education technologies. At the same time it is noted, that distance education technologies are good for distance learning and self-training, however, they do not contribute to the training of basic, elite specialists. The noted factors give no way to pay due attention to the training of talented students-intellectuals. They are nervous about the popular belief that vast arrays of high intelligence are merely useless for today's society and economy. The results of work in the distance learning conditions at the BSTU "VOENMEKH" chair for graphic training of future specialists in the defense industry’s area are analyzed in this paper. It contains also information on adjustments for the educational process, communication features, and evaluation criteria. The conclusion has been drawn that significant difficulties and contingent losses are associated with the loss of possibility for close teacher-student personal interaction that has not allowed the teacher to show proper love for the student. The assumption that the most of students are unbred to effective independent work was confirmed. The best adapted to this situation were those former scholars who were taught in an environment that allows them to receive electives of engineering profile or special courses. The percentage of students who has not started the distance education or has not coped with it is about 35%, which significantly exceeds the losses of previous years for the same period. At the same time it is noted that past losses were actually determined from the very beginning of training. The current losses have an onset coinciding with the pandemic onset. These data confirm doubts about students' commitment to distance learning.

educational process, digital environment, distance learning, testing, pandemic, engineering graphics, descriptive geometry

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