UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: structuring and analysis of interconnections in the system of public administration of organized health children’s recreation in the Russia at the federal level. Methods: systemic analysis, comparison, generalization, data grouping, specification, theoretical cognition, acceptances of expert evaluation. Results: the current state of public administration in the system of organized health children’s recreation at the federal level has been reviewed, based on the analysis of regulatory documents, powers and structures of state authorities; the relationship between the existing coordination structures in the field of children’s recreation is clarified; the relationship of the activities of government bodies at the legislative and executive levels in matters of state regulation of children’s recreation; the efficiency and potential risk zones of the current system for coordinating children’s recreation are shown, and priority areas of state management of the system health children’s recreation are identified. Scientific novelty: the article presents the novel experience of the system structure of the federal state administration of children’s recreation in the Russia. Practical significance: the main statements and conclusions of the article can be used in practical activities to improve the efficiency of state regulation of issues related to the organization of children’s recreation.
health children’s recreation, vacation management system, public administration, children’s tourism, interdepartmental commission, leisure
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