UDK 94 Всеобщая история
The goal of the theoretical research of this article is the research of the main features and specific of the problems of the psychological processes of individuals - participants of civil disputes in the sharing of an inherited property and the possibility of resolving the dispute. Methods implemented: system analysis, theoretical knowledge, as well as the method of analogy and historical method. Results: Identifying the importance of the resolution of disputes in inheritance processes and the important role of the mediator in these processes. Scientific novelty: the question described practically has never been a subject of any scientific research. Practical significance: In the legal aspect it is extremely important in civil disputes relating to the division of inheritance to answer a question related to the problem of the establishing a psychological processes for individuals who are participants of a civil disputes related to the sharing of the inheritance objects. Sometimes lawsuits related to these kinds of disputes, are being considered by the courts during the decades.
Psychology, legal psychology, legacy, inheritance law, civil law, mediation
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