UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: the aim of our pilot study was to examine the pedagogical conditions for personal and professional changes in students of a college by means of different kinds of art. Methods: experimental method, a questionnaire, methodology “incomplete sentences” introspection students interviewing (method written annotations), the method of focus groups, self-test (adapting the questionnaire T. V. Morozova). Results: the author summarizes the experience of exploring the potential of art as a necessary condition for the creation of a special educational university. The notion of art as a phenomenon of the potential for integrating the results of perceptual and intellectual, reproductive and creative process of the subject. The author focuses at the study of the dynamics of artistic perception of students in specially organized educational environment, which integrates the workshop, as well as a complex art technology. Under art technology author understands these humanitarian technologies, which create favorable conditions for realization of creative potential of all subjects of the educational process, their professional - personal development through art. In the article presents the diagnostic performance characteristics of artistic perception. Scientific novelty: the author for the first time developed and implemented a set of art technologies as a tool for improving a professional personality. Practical significance: the results of the introduction of a training course and a set of communicative art technologies into educational practice allow developing the professional and personal potential of students
artistic perception, artistic communication, artistic reflection, imaginative empathy, artistic anticipation subjective your creativity, humanitarian art technology, professional and personal changes
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