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Abstract (English):
The purpose: definition of essence and value of dialogue philosophy for maintenance of the world and safety of mankind in a context of philosophy, knowledge and religion. Methods: dialectics, metaphysics, hermeneutical, logic positivism, phenomenology, comparisons of the system analysis, theoretical knowledge. Results: the XXI-sty century puts rather important and difficult dilemma before mankind: or to transform, change nowadays existing catastrophes or to continue it. The purposes and boundaries of duties on the long and dynamical development, the offered United Nations though are represented as time call, unfortunately, in many cases to follow these principles it is not obviously possible for the reason “super interests”. All it specifies what to speak about the world and safety only in институциональном understanding of this word - insufficiently, and only one party has put it, as processes testify, that as the modern person has the nihilistic relation to philosophy, theological bases will be considered “empty and senseless” and while the person will not be released from false мышлений and negative tendencies, its tragedy will not decrease, and, on the contrary, will increase. The trouble that nowadays a science and knowledge, instead of bringing to the people happiness and to improve their well-being all mankind, on the contrary, leads to dangerous and destructive tendencies. Actually, it also is oncologic crisis of the person as questions of philosophy and religion, philosophy and a life, happiness and well-being - and each of them though was actual at all stages of history of a civilization, but the decision of these questions historically was always accompanied by certain difficulties. Human qualities, the higher ideals have been sacrificed to a policy, ideologies and super interests and, as a whole, have been forgotten and deleted from a life, essence of human existence. Scientific novelty: the Author notices in article, that in a context of all these problems it is necessary for mankind to face philosophy, existentialism, trust, dialogue philosophy and to return to a celebration of the co-ordinate dialogue consciousness. The author considers, that the mankind, a civilization can protect the future development, the further existence only by a coordination, dialogue, integrity and unity of various approaches in the decision of problems and questions. The practical importance: substantive provisions and article conclusions can be used in scientific and pedagogical activity by consideration of questions of maintenance of the world, safety and mankind peaceful co-existence.

essence, a being, philosophies, knowledge, religion, the person, problems, contradictions, dialogue, the paradigms, the dialogue philosophy
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