UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to determine and compare the key trends that occurred in transnational banking after 2008-2009 economic crisis and 2020 pandemic. Methods: comparison, data grouping, historical method, theoretical cognition. Results: basing on the analysis of scientific economic literature and statistical data, the main trends in the development of transnational banking since 2008-2009 economic crisis has been revealed, which include strengthening position of China and other fast-growing markets as transnational banks’ home countries and the growing importance of developing and emerging markets as transnational banks’ host countries, the geographic expansion of their activities; diametrically opposite trends have been determined after 2020 pandemic, namely, the weakening position of transnational banks from China, loss of positions of developing and emerging countries as transnational banks’ host countries, transnational bank’ shift from globalization to regionalization. Scientific novelty: for the first time on the basis of up-to-date data, the article studies the newest trends in in transnational banking and makes predictions on the possible development of banks in the nearest future. Practical significance: the conclusions and suggestions of the article can be used policymakers in coping with new trends in transnational banks and their influences on national economies.
Transnational banks, Trends, Crises, Pandemic, Host countries, Home countries, Globalization
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