UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to study the stage innovations created by scenographer I. Jones in the English court Masque in the first half of the XVIIth century. The research methodology assumes the unity of such methodological approaches as cultural-historical, comparative analysis method, and generalization method. Results: it is established that I. Jones revived interest in ancient art in the aristocratic circles of England. It was revealed that the stage innovations of I. Jones represented a unique fusion of Italian and French innovations and distinctive English culture in scenography in English court Masque. Thanks to the fruitful alliance of I. Jones with the English playwright B. Johnson and other famous screenwriters, as well as the creative influence of I. Jones on King James I and Charles I, the genre of the court Masque reached its peak and perfection. Scientific novelty lies in an attempt to comprehend the creative innovations of the English architect and stage designer I. Jones in the genre of the Court Mask in the era of the reign of kings James I and Charles I Stuart. Practical significance: the main results and conclusions of the paper can be in lecture materials, at seminars and practical exercises in higher humanitarian educational institutions.
creativity of I. Jones, court Masque, iconology, symbol, stage costumes, stage lighting, scenery, color, style, quality, fabric
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