Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: a system of professional preparation of social workers in the United States is considered. Methods: comparison, generalization, observation, systemic analysis, theoretical cognition, the method of analogy. Results: based on the analysis of the content of social workers preparation in institutions of higher education, basic skills of social workers, the content of social work in schools in the United States as the main institution of socialization of rising generation, positive aspects which may be used in the higher education system of Ukraine were identified, which is now at the stage of intensive changes and innovations; attention to the main stages of social workers preparation in the USA, tasks of the school system and on the specifics of the functioning of a social worker in the education system; the increased focus in the work of the social worker in the educational system to help in the socialization children of teenage age is emphasized, the integration and individual approach in solving their problems are analyzed; especially important for the social workers preparation in Ukraine should be orientation of higher education on the therapeutic aspects of social work, that gives an opportunity to social workers in Ukraine to be more active in society and organize private practices. Scientific novelty: At the first time on the basis of methods pointed in the article the consent of social workers preparation in the United States to socialized function in the educational system is explored. Practical significance: the main points and conclusions of the article can be used in the system of professional preparation of social workers in Ukraine.

professional preparation, levels and content of social worker’s preparation, aim of social work, functions of social worker

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