UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to identify socio-cultural bases of interaction of religion and morality and to study the factors those determine the modern specificity of this interaction. Research methods: systematic, axiological, retrospective, observation, generalization, scientific method of analysis and synthesis. Results: on the bases of the analysis of fundamental researches devoted to theoretical problems of the state of spirituality in contemporary society it was revealed that in the context of increasing globalization and informatization, the role of the spiritual factor increases; the features of differences of religious and non-religious morality were disclosed and their historic character was revealed; the factors which affect on the dynamics of the differences between modern morality and religion were analyzed, these factors were the following: the replacement of the spiritual relationship by a sign, virtualization of society, a symbolic character of culture, the myth creation; the principal contradictions between the liberal and traditional moral values, which are determined by social and cultural transformations were analyzed; it was underlined the necessity of optimization of the dialogue between religion and morality with the purpose of preservation of cultural stability and interpersonal tolerance. Scientific novelty: first in the philosophical knowledge the analysis of the interaction of morality and religion in the context of transformational processes of modern reality was carried out, the role of religious and moral values in the optimization of spiritual state of modern reality was showed. Practical significance: the article can be used in scientific-pedagogical activities and in the implementation of programs on spiritual and moral education.
Spirituality, Morality, Religion, Liberal and traditional values, Society, Consciousness, Virtual reality, Postmodern ethics
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