UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Abstract Objective: to develop a method to estimate the multiplier effect that occurs in the integration of business systems in conditions of instability, optimization of business process. Methods: monographic, economic-statistical, system approach, synergetic approach, economic-mathematical modeling, method of analogies. Results: to optimize the entrepreneurial process aimed at reducing the factors negatively affecting the result of the integration of entrepreneurial activities, applied dynamic programming method to determine the target function. The obtained objective function allows us to quantify in time and space in negative, as a separate party, and of the system as a whole. The results of the system are determined by the multiplicative effect. Scientific novelty: the article proposes a model of dynamic programming to evaluate the result of the integration of entrepreneurship, allowing to determine the contribution of each participant of business process and distribution of negative result between the participants of economic activities. Practical relevance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in research and teaching when considering the management of complex business systems.
enterprise integration, synergetic approach, dynamic entrepreneurship, multiplier effect, factor and effective signs
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