UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to consider the impact of the processes of new industrialization financial support for industrial enterprises. Methods: comparison, generalization, observation, systemic analysis, data grouping, theoretical cognition, the method of analogy and historical method. Results: basing on the analysis of scientific economic literature the main problem of financial support of innovative processes have been investigated, the feasibilities of new industrialization policy in modern conditions have been identified. It has been determined that under the conditions of new industrial policy, the financial support of activity with a view to achieving a competitive development of the industrial enterprise is based on the integrated use of innovative, technological, financial and organizational components. It has been shown that innovative projects can be carried out in the form of recovery of rational relations within production chains, the introduction of new industries, communications and technologies. It has been proposed to consider financial support policy of the new industrialization of the economy as a process of provision and use of funds allocated for the design, development and organization of new products production, introduction of new equipment or technology, the development and introduction of new organizational forms and methods of management. It has been proved that significant failures in the area of cost management create the necessity to find innovative methods and management techniques that could provide competent accumulation and allocation of capital, the target allocation of resources, preventing unjustified cost increases. The effective cost planning, the establishment of standards at the time of a new product designing, the introduction of equipment that is not used in the operating activities of the enterprise, diversification of production, the availability and assessment of the necessary financial resources have been recommended. Scientific novelty: for the first time on the basis of the presented methods, the article studies the ways of realization of this problem at the level of the industrial enterprise. Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and teaching when considering the economic impact of the processes of new industrialization financial support for industrial enterprises.
Economic impact, New industrialization, Financial support, Innovation and economic development, Industrial enterprises
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