UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to determine the method of formation of optimal chain costs of metallurgical enterprise in the concept of added value. Methods: comparison, generalization, observation, systemic analysis, data grouping, theoretical cognition. Results: the author suggests a method of constructing an effective value chain for an industrial enterprise, based on the widely known concept of value creation porter and other members of the Harvard business school. Scientific novelty: the novelty is that, first, the count operation is still poorly known cash flow; secondly, extended the boundaries of the value chain by incorporating all the participants of value creation in the framework of the concept of supply chain management. Practical significance: will speed up capital turnover and to reduce costs in terms of integration of all participants in the value chain.
the value chain, supply chain, costs, cash flow, optimization, цепочка создания ценности
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