Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: writing scientific work is to study the problems of formation of the public good in the penal system through the adaptation of the classical theories to study the system. Methods: To conduct scientific researchers have been used methods such as empirical and theoretical studies. So, for the study of the evolutionary development of scientific methods of observation categories were used, the comparison; to derive the regularities of formation of state expenditures on public goods modeling; to consider the essence of the social, economic, financial, social benefits were applied methods of analysis and synthesis. Results: can be used in the formation of the legal framework for the functioning of public enterprises of an industrial complex of the correctional system to determine their economic and social efficiency. Scientific novelty: it consists in the allocation of specific categories of the formation of the common good of the correctional system, as a socio-economic system that insulates against the criminals of society, thereby producing a public good of general use. Practical significance: is formed in positions that enable to define approaches to the solution of theoretical and practical problems of social and economic efficiency of the penal system for the provision of public goods.

public goods, the correctional system, the price of crime, social and economic efficiency

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