UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Research purpose: in today’s conditions of Russia of one of urgent there is a problem of detailed studying of a role and the place of banking services in general set of transactions of commercial banks. Research methods: during the research general scientific methods (the analysis of theoretical base), generalization and synthesis, methods of comparisons were used. Results: competitive line items of credit institutions in the Republic of Tatarstan on the following indicators are considered: number of credit institutions, share of banks in a corporate credit portfolio, in a segment of consumer loans, private deposits; the structure of internal divisions of the operating credit institutions is provided. Scientific novelty: bank rating of RT in the lending market of private clients, and also the entities and the organizations is determined. Practical importance: theoretical and practical provisions of a research can be applied in educational process in the economic directions and in activities of credit institutions.
The banking system of the Republic of Tatarstan, the corporate loan portfolio, the market of consumer loans, the optimization of internal divisions of credit institutions, rating RT banks in the lending market for private and corporate customers
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