UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to determine the main trends in the development of the leasing market in Russia and its current state. Methods: theoretical analysis of literature sources and periodical Russian and foreign publications, normative legal documents Internet materials, roundtable discussions and conferences analyzed and generalization of the leasing market in tabular format. Methods of statistical data processing, expert evaluation and visualization of data were used in the article. Results: the development of leasing market is associated with the intensive development of production activity of enterprises of all forms of ownership. Growth and expansion of the leasing market is an appropriate fact of the processes of globalization and integration, both production and financial sphere. Scientific novelty: the Russian leasing market develops simultaneously with the world market. Leasing remains one of the fastest growing instruments for investing in the financial services market and one of the priority financing mechanisms for most enterprises in the country. Practical significance: the using of data to understand the current situation in the leasing market and the possibility of planning and forecasting in the sector of the real economy of Russia
лизинг, лизингодатель, лизингополучатель, диверсификация, секьюритизация, облигации, векселя, риск-менеджмент
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