UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: improving the methodology of management of operational risks of investment projects in the refining industry. Methods: generalization, comparison, analysis, synthesis, grouping, systems approach, historical and logical analysis of the theoretical and practical material. Results: research and analysis of the existing methodological framework for assessing the effectiveness of investments in the refinery allowed to distinguish an insufficient level of risk calculation, that determines the need to develop a better management system of efficiency investments into the refinery projects. The proposed way of classification of refineries risks extends the range of riskforming factors which are be divided into controllable and uncontrollable. Recommended methods of risk assessment can be used to clarify the final indicators of the investment project. Scientific novelty: algorithm of risk management in investment projects in refinery, formed by authors, not only systematizes risk register of refining industry, but also interrelates the quantitative assessment of risk level with specific control measures for its reduction, taking into account the specifics of the industry. Practicalsignificance: as a result of the implementation of the algorithm of risk management in investment projects in oil refinery it is possible to quantify the risk factors of efficiency of investment projects, and, most importantly, in the case of identifying the likely economic inefficiency - to take timely measures to the impact on risk.
oil-refining industry, investment project, operational stage, risk, damage, risk management
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