UDK 94 Всеобщая история
The objective of the study: the problem of intensification of investment activities for solution of the problems related to the economic restructuring and modernization of its production capacity becomes relevant; the degree of influence of investments on modernization processes in the Russian economy is determined. Research methods: the methodological framework of the conducted research was based on provision of the unity of logic and historical approaches. The authors used the methods that are widespread in research activity - descriptive ones, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, generalization, observation, scientific abstraction, statistical analysis, system analysis, as well as the methods of grouping and classification, the methods of comparative, historical and interdisciplinary analysis, expert judgments. The combination of these methods allowed the authors to ensure accuracy of the conducted research and validity of its conclusions. Russian and foreign works on the issues of investment activities, materials of scientific conferences and seminars served as the information base of this study. Results: in this work we provided the comparative analysis of gross investment growth rates, the structure of investments into fixed assets, sources of financial investments in different groups of countries, as well as detected the relationship between the intensity of investment processes and the rates of economic restructuring in modern Russia. Scientific novelty: the trends of investment activities and the reasons of their low attraction to the processing industries have been revealed; the measures for activization of investment activity in certain economic sectors have been suggested; the dependence between investment activity and the paces of economic restructuring has been identified. Practical relevance: the approaches to solution of the issue on the investment resource shortage have been presented; the authors have suggested the mechanisms and some specific measures for revival of the investment process in individual sectors of the Russian economy.
investments, investment climate, gross investments, fixed assets, structure of investments, sources of financial investments, direct foreign investments, commercialization of investments, monetization of the economy, growth of implementable industrial investments
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