Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
According to the Albanian Constitution the environmental law is not specifically granted as a fundamental right, consequently and the right of claim in case of environmental damage and the issues that are related with the environment are not in a constitutional level. The samples that are offered are Italy, France, Portugal, Spain etc. The raise in a constitutional level would guarantee the fundamental right to protect health and life quality, also the environment, but also as well approximate the domestic legislation with that community of Aquis Communautaire, as a future part of the Europian Union.

constitution, environmental right, health, quality of life, Constitutional Court

1. Constitution of the Republic of Albania, 1998 (revised 2008)

2. Constitution of the Republic of Italy, 1948

3. Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, 1976

4. Spain’s Constitution ,1978

5. Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, 2008

6. Constitutional Court of Italy (decisions nr. 121, April 30, 1986; nr. 641, December 30, 1987)

7. Ambiente e principi costituzionali nel diritto comparato, in: D. Amirante (a cura di) Diritto ambientale e Costituzione, Milano

8. [Electronic resource]. - Available from: www.assemblee-nationale.fr/italiano/8db.asp#charte_env (date 10.03.2016)

9. Pacific Rim Law & Policy Joumal Association Legislative decree, dated, 03/04/2006. - No. 15

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