Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The contract of donation finds its legal regulation in French Civil Code of 1929. Nowadays the donation contract is governed by the current Civil Code which expressly provides that title II, Chapter III, Articles 761-771, by the definition in Article 761, which states: “the donation is a contract by which one party transfers in ownership without compensation to the other party a certain thing or a real right, which she accepts.”

contract, donation, donors, beneficiaries, revocation

1. Semis Tutulani Mariana, Obligation and Contracts, special part, Tirana 2006

2. URL: http://www.doktoratura.unitir.edu.al/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/doctorate -Anjeza-Licenji-Faculty-of-Justice-Department-of-the-Right-Civile.pdf

3. Article 419, “Understanding the obligation”, Civil Code

4. ArdianNuni, “Civil Law”, The General, Tirana, 2011

5. Article 761, first paragraph, Civil Code

6. BiondoBiondi, “La donations that, civil Trattato di dirittoitaliano” TrattattoVassalli, Torino 1961

7. ArdianNuni, “Civil Law”, The General, Tirana, 2011

8. Real contracts are those contracts to which the validity of the law requires not only the agreement of the parties, not only the appearance of will on their part, but the delivery of the thing object of the contract. These contracts, although they may be drafted, signed and the parties agree to link them, not take effect and no legal consequences for them until delivered item is not subject to contract. Mariana Tutulani - Semis, “Law of Obligations” Part of Special Skanderbegbooks, Tirana, 2006

9. Italian legislation described the donation as a contract consensual, which is perfected only with the emergence of the will of both parties, without the necessary delivery of the thing, except the contract of donation items of small value, which can be done but no public act requires delivery of the thing. Guido Capozzi, “Successioni of Donazioni” GiuffrèEditore, Milan, 2003

10. URL: http://www.doktoratura.unitir.edu.al/ëp-content/uploads/2014/01/doctorate -Anjeza-Licenji-Faculty-of-Justice-Department-of-the-Right-Civile.pdf

11. Mariana Semis - Tutulani, “Obligation” The Special Skanderbegbooks, Tirana, 2008

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