Russian Federation
UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: The paper is aimed at the research of the association of Bashkir and Tatar Women (the first one in Russian and world history) that appeared as an actor of public life in one of the Russian regions - in Ufa province - almost 110 years ago. The author aims to evaluate the historical experience of its charity activities taking into account today’s realities. Methods: problem-chronological, retrospective, comparative-historical, biographical, statistical. Results: Based on the available scientific literature, published and unpublished documentary sources the author has identified historical preconditions for the development of public life in the regions of Russia, particularly in Ufa province, the origins of national movements and mass public organizations of different types. The research has determined how these processes affected the changes in the consciousness of women and establishment of Bashkir and Tatar society in 1907 in Ufa. Participation of women in the activities of the society can be considered as the first step of entering into public life, acquisition of skills of collective activity, initial attempts of manifestations of social activity outside home life. Therein lies the importance of the historical experience of social activity. Scientific novelty: for the first time on the basis of the above named methods, the author examined the impact of the events of the early XX century on the activation of women’s factor in public life of one of the Russian regions - Ufa province, the emergence of the society of Bashkir and Tatar women (the first in Russian and regional history), revealed the importance of their work in the uneasy conditions of the traditional views on women. Practical significance: principal statements and findings of the research may be useful for scientific and pedagogical activity, consideration of gender, regional and national aspects in history.
society, Bashkir and Tatar women, charity, education, province
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9. Otchet Ufimskogo musul’manskogo damskogo obshhestva za 1913 god. (Report of the Ufa Muslim feminine society for 1913), Ufa: Jelektro-tipografija «Vostochnaja pechat’», 1914, 15 p. (in Russ.).
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