Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: to examine historical and social-economic reasons for choosing a raw way of development of the Russian economy; to analyze the results of structural reforms in Russia. Methods: methodological framework of the research was based on ensuring the unity of logic and historical approaches; the authors have used methods, which are widely employed in research activity: descriptive, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, generalization, observation, forecasting and etc., as well as methods of inter-industry analysis, expert judgments; combination of these methods allowed the authors to ensure accuracy of the research and validity of its conclusions. Results: this work demonstrates historical transformations in Russian economic system and also illustrates comprehension of necessity to modernize national economy, as well as lack of consensus among economists, experts and scientific society in finding ways and methods of solving this problem. Scientific novelty: analysis of different sources and expert opinions, which was performed in this work, allowed us to determine that, the main vector of modernization in the Russian economy is to carry out a large-scale industrialization of industrial production and to create new work places related to the VI technological way. Practical relevance: According to research results, the author forecasts possible consequences of emerging trends in modernization of Russian economy in a medium and long-term perspective.

economic restructuring, VI technological way, modernization of industry, social assistance, strategy of national economic development

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