Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
As part of the development of international military cooperation and the expansion of intercultural communication in the military sphere, there is an increasing need for specialists who are able to provide high-quality linguistic support for military activities. The importance of improving the quality of training of military personnel and military education is indicated in the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation. The article is based on the scientific ideas of E. M. Vereshchagin and V.G. Kostomarov, who are rightfully considered the founders of linguistic and regional studies. In the context of the professional language training of military translators, the linguistic and regional aspects of the formation of the educational professional language discourse of military translators are considered. The study of the features of the translation of linguistic and cultural realities involves familiarization with the organizational structure of the country's armed forces of the foreign language being studied, the system of manning the armed forces, the order of service, military ranks, insignia and distinctions. Educational professional military linguistic discourse also includes linguistic and cultural realities associated with the designation of weapons systems and military equipment of the country's armed forces of the foreign language being studied. Translation of military slang, which also reflects the peculiarities of the culture of the country of the target language, presents a significant difficulty. The linguistic units of military slang are not only widely used in the oral speech of military personnel, but are also found in the texts of military journalism, fiction and military documents.

professional language training, military translators, educational professional language discourse, linguistic and cultural realities, military slang

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