Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the prospects for the development of artificial intelligence systems in healthcare in Russia in the context of the introduction of the digital economy. A brief historical analysis of the use of artificial intelligence in the social sphere is carried out, the main directions of the modern Russianstate concept of the development of artificial intelligence are investigated. The main directions of using intelligent systems are revealed. The author emphasizes the need for legal regulation of digital medicine and, in this regard, analyzes the main criminal legal risks of causing harm to law-protected interests by one of the areas of digital medicine. It is noted that the criminal law problem of the use of artificial intelligence remains to date not developed in Russian criminal law, in this regard, the author emphasizes the urgent need for a more rapid development of criminal law rules governing legal relations in this area of activity. At the same time, the conditionality of the existence of a norm on criminal liability directly depends on the nature and degree of social danger of the act. The author of a brief analysis of foreign experience in the legal regulation of the use of artificial intelligence in the medical field. In the final part of the article, the author proposes qualification options in determining the subject composition causing harm.

artificial intelligence, digital medicine, mathematical methods of medical data processing, legal risks, criminal risks
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