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Abstract (English):
Due to the deterioration of modern family and domestic crime indicators against the background of the ongoing social crisis caused by the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection, there is a need for additional study of factors affecting the occurrence and dynamics of family and domestic crimes in order to determine modern ways to prevent such manifestations and minimize their socially dangerous consequences. Based on the analysis of the current state of crime in the context of family and domesticrelations, the article formulates approaches to the problems of prevention of domestic violence. Special attention should be paid to the problems of preventing domestic crimes not only by legal but also by societywide measures aimed at weakening and neutralizing the causes and conditions of criminalization of the modern family and domestic relations in general at the current stage of the development of society. The article substantiates the need to improve the main directions of countering modern crimes in the sphere of domestic relations, as well as to improve the forms and methods of activities of public organizations and law enforcement agencies, including Internal Affairs Bodies, especially district police commissioners, aimed at preventing family and domestic crimes and minimizing their consequences.

crime in the context of domestic relations, family violence, victim, social consequences, crime prevention, social protection, internal affairs bodies
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