UDK 94 Всеобщая история
GRNTI 03.91 История отдельных стран
BBK 6330 Всемирная история
BISAC ARC005000 History / General
BISAC HIS057000 Maritime History & Piracy
Objective: The purpose of the current article is to examine the public reaction to the abdication of Edward VIII in Great Britain, including the reaction of the British public, the royal family, representatives of the court circles, public and political figures and the Church of England. Methods: Specific historical or ideographic (narrative) method of research, reproduction and evaluation of the events in the period after abdication. Results: The analysis of the reaction to abdication of Edward VIII among the population of Great Britain allowed us to conclude that this reaction was somehow ambiguous. Moreover, the reaction of the working class differed from the reaction of the middle class, which was highly influenced by the opposition to the king including the Church of England, the royal family, and, with a few exceptions, the aristocracy and the court circles of Great Britain. Scientific novelty: The article is a selection and analysis of the opinions of contemporaries of the events of the abdication of Edward VIII, which, as far as we know, are first published in Russian Practical relevance: The materials presented in the article can be used in teaching practice, as well as in further historical research on the crisis of the monarchy of 1936 in Great Britain.
abdication of Edward VIII, the crisis of the monarchy in 1936 in Great Britain, Mrs. Wallis Simpson, George VI, Duke and Duchess of Windsor
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