graduate student from 01.01.2022 until now
Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation
UDK 31 Статистика. Демография. Социология
The article presents a pedagogical model for the formation of engineering competence of students of basic General education. The developed model includes the goal, tasks, methodological approaches (system, competence-activity, personality-oriented), components, stages, principles (structure, complexity, openness of the system, consciousness and creative activity, professional orientation of training, polysubject interaction, creativity, trust and self-realization, individuality), pedagogical conditions of the organization and the expected result of the process. The work used mainly theoretical research methods, with the selection and analysis of current scientific data on the problem under study, synthesis, generalization of the information obtained and summing up the results of the study. The scientific novelty of the research consists in presenting a model of practice-oriented nature, which can be considered as a tool for achieving a high level of engineering competence of students of basic General education. The model reveals the pedagogical conditions of an effective process, determines the levels of formation of engineering competence of students. The proposed model serves as a theoretical and practical basis for the successful organization of students ' education in the study of engineering, extracurricular engineering activities, and project work in the field of science and technology.
competence, engineering education, engineering competence, General education, competence approach, engineering activity
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