, Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.2002 to 01.01.2021
, Russian Federation
BISAC EDU023000 Early Childhood (incl. Preschool & Kindergarten)
BISAC EDU015000 Higher
BISAC EDU018000 Language Experience Approach
BISAC EDU051000 Learning Styles
BISAC EDU020000 Multicultural Education
The article presents the experience of developing an elective course program for future foreign language teachers studying at Tyumen State University. The content of the course is based on the principles of communication and variability and is focused on the development of the communicative, psychological, pedagogical and technological competencies of the future teacher. The creation by the teacher of favorable pedagogical conditions for a positive cultural identification of the student’s personality allows the child to become aware of the multicultural space of the world. The professional portfolio of a novice teacher includes techniques, methods and technologies that can be used for further pedagogical modeling.
multicultural education; cultural identification of the person; early teaching of a foreign language; elective course program; development of communicative, psychological, pedagogical and technological competencies of a foreign language teacher; professional pedagogical portfolio
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