Russian Federation
Objective: To define the political risks of the national economy integration into the global economic complex. Methods: Comparisons, generalizations, observations, systematization as well as the method of analogy and abstract-logic method. Results: The article identifies political risks for Ukraine caused by the integration of the national economy into the global economic complex, in particular: degradation of the democratization process of public administration; desovereignization of economic policy and energy system of the Ukrainian state; escalation of political conflicts in the state and the permanent political crises. The author has identified the preconditions for their emergence, which are both inherent to the national economic system internal vulnerabilities, such as low-tech production, raw material specialization of the most competitive sectors, strong dependence on the political sphere, and external circumstances - dependence on the world commodity markets, economic and energy policy of Ukraine’s strategic trade partners, competitive pressure of TNCs, etc. Scientific novelty: in the article, based on the methods of scientific analysis, the direction in the study of the impact of globalization on the political risks in Ukraine has been further developed, in particular, on the example of the integration of the national economy into the global economic complex. Practical significance: the main points and conclusions of the article may be used in scientific and practical activities in consideration of issues of the public governance of political risks in Ukraine
political risk, globalization, state, integration, national economy, global economic complex, investments, TNK
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