Glazov, Izhevsk, Russian Federation
The problem of assessing the semantic complexity of educational concepts, which is equal to the number of words needed to explain their essence, is considered. The following attributes of concepts that affect their semantic complexity are highlighted: 1) the possibility of observing the designated object in everyday life; 2) the possibility of experimental study at school; 3) the possibility of perception of the designated object by the senses; 4) the physical complexity of the object, depending on the number of constituent elements and the connections between them; 5) the degree of entry into the thesaurus of graduates of the first, fifth and eleventh grades; 6) the frequency of the word use in the Russian language. The concepts that denote objects of living and inanimate nature are selected; the category of complexity is determined for each concept by the method of pair comparison. Their attributes were evaluated on the Likert scale with 5 gradations; the correlation coefficients between the attributes and the complexity level, as well as the corresponding linear regression coefficients, are determined. A mathematical model is constructed that connects the complexity of concepts with the values of their attributes; it is shown that due to errors in attribute estimates, it does not allow us to accurately determine the semantic complexity of the concepts. An algorithm for evaluating the concepts complexity based on their division into three groups, depending on the frequency of use in the Russian language, is developed. The results of the evaluation of the semantic complexity of the selected concepts that can be used as reference points are presented.
didactics, informativeness, concept, semantics, complexity, thesaurus, scale
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