On the need to develop criminalistic public prevention in order to organize counteraction to cybercrime on the territory of the Russian Federation
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Abstract (English):
This article provides a statistical analysis of registered and solved crimes committed by using computer and telecommunications technologies on the territory of the Russian Federation, and offers a definition of cybercrime. Further, the author identifies the types of criminal behavior, in his opinion, related to cybercrime in general. Based on the content of the report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations «Countering the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes», the article examines the main problems that accompany the prevention of this category of crimes on the example of 61 reports of UN Member States, prepared as part of the requests of the Secretary-General, on the basis of General Assembly resolution No. 73/187 «Summary of national and international difficulties encountered in combating the use of ITT for criminal purposes». This research examines the current state of criminalistic crime prevention in Russia, provides an analysis of the current state associated with the disclosure and investigation of cybercrimes. The article presents proposals for amendments to the draft federal law «On Cyberdrugs», and suggests the development of a centralized forensic public prevention of cybercrime. Based on the responses to the relevant requests to the most well-known public organizations involved in the prevention of cybercrime, the author analyzes the activities of cyberdrugs on the territory of the Russian Federation. In the resolving part of the article, the author forms reasoned proposals for formatting the activities of Russian cyber-soldiers, in order to increase the effectiveness of their activities.

cybercrime, criminalistic public prevention, cybercrime, information and telecommunications technologies, computer equipment, cyber espionage, cyber extortion, cryptojacking, cyber bullying
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