Organizational foundations for operational and search prevention of crimes committed in the sphere of illegal drug trafficking and psychotropic substances
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Abstract (English):
High level of drug criminality has a negative impact on economic and social stability, harms the national security of the state. Only operational and investigative activities, which have a complex structure of interconnected organizational and tactical elements, ensure in the face of the opposition from the criminal environment timely detection, prevention, suppression and disclosure of latent and camouflaged crimes committed in the sphere of illegal drug trafficking and psychotropic substances. The issues of organizing the activities of officers of operational units for the prevention and suppression of these crimes are the least regulated in departmental regulations. With the adoption of Federal Law, No. 182-FZ dated 23.06.2016 «About the basis of the crime prevention system in the Russian Federation» it is required to specify the tasks of operational search prevention and suppression of crimes under consideration. Taking into account the special nature of operational search information about persons involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotic substances, methods for identifying this information, in order to solve specified tasks, it is necessary to form an appropriate management system for the activities of officers of the operational units. Structurally, the management system provides for a set of mandatory elements and functional relationships that ensure a sufficient level of a separate unit efficiency. Priority tasks for the prevention of crimes committed in the field of illegal trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances are highlighted in the article on the basis of the theoretical and legal analysis of the modern organization of the operational units’ activities of territorial bodies.

operational and investigative activities, drugs and psychotropic substances trafficking, prevention of drug crimes, organization of activities, legal regulation, officers of operational units, controlled persons, operational information
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