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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article is to give a general description of the main factors of the positive and destructive influence of the information space of the Internet on the personality of a minor, to reflect the reasons for a particular negative influence and the factors that neutralize it. The topic of the elaboration of these problems in science is not sufficient due to the annual increase in risks on the Internet and the absence of a truly effective paradigm of counteraction. The theoretical, methodological and practical significance of the topic is explained by both a positive and objectively critical assessment of the influence of the Internet on these persons, due to the characteristics of a minor personality, a significant number of phenomena of destructive influence and the need to solve problems. The object is an information and telecommunications network Internet, used by minors for the purpose of extracting information, receiving and providing various types of information services. The subject is the destructive impact of the Internet on a minor. The article notes that underage, taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development, the specifics of this period of personality formation, predetermines both positive and negative effects of the Internet, including manifested in the dissemination of information on terrorist, extremist, pornographic, suicidal topics, on the promotion of risky behavior, on the consumption of prohibited substances. The author substantiates the leveling of negative factors of influence of the Internet on a minor is possible with normal socialization, harmonious development, which allow him to stay in the real world, regardless of the factors of influence.

minor, information, Internet, destructive influence, crime
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