Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This comprehensive study featured the resource potential of the agro-industrial complex and its role in territorial development. The research objective was to study the structure of the resource potential of agro-industrial enterprises in the post-industrial society and factors that make it efficient. Systemic changes in modern society require new approaches to understanding the category of resource potential. Informatization of society and digitalization of agriculture change the prospects for resource provision in the agro-industrial complex. The author analyzed various domestic and foreign approaches to the concept of resource potential and included in it the potential of an agricultural enterprise as a complex of material, energy, information, and labor resources. The interdisciplinary approach made it possible to consider the phenomena from different angles and as a complex unity. The author considered the resource potential of the region as a synthetic indicator: a whole enterprise cannot be assessed based on a singular resource. The competent management of the resources available to the enterprise proved to be the key to its successful functioning, personnel being the core of its resource potential. The paper introduces a number of measures that contribute to the effective implementation of the resource potential in agro-industrial complex in the information society. The research results can help to improve the concept of sustainable development of enterprises, which is one of the priority tasks of complex modernization.

human capital, modern society, digitalization of agriculture, economic development, Omsk region
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