Russian Federation
The article discusses the problem of the necessary pedagogical support of fourth-fifth-grade students in the course of the formation of their analytical and productive-creative activities. The ways of using the heuristic educational dialogue in organizing the textual activity of schoolchildren are characterized. The educational dialogue is considered as an effective method that stimulates the student to independent analytical work with the text, its interpretation, expanding the experience of the student's communicative interaction with classmates and the teacher, allowing the latter to carry out a differentiated approach to teaching each child, taking into account the level of his speech development. Using a specific example, the teaching capabilities of the educational dialogue method are revealed when working in the lesson with a text-description and the guiding role of the teacher in this process.
pedagogical support; fourth to fifth grade students; textual activity; methods of organization; educational dialogue; development of speech culture; experience of communicative interaction; work with description text; differentiated approach to learning
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