Formation of professional competence in decision-making in non-standard situations of polygraph tests in the training of polygraph examiners (using the example of search tests)
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Abstract (English):
The article discusses some aspects to be taken into account when preparing polygraph examiners in order to form skills for conducting polygraph tests using search tests related to the method of revealing hidden information. Search tests have their own characteristics and differ from other tests, both in the degree of complexity and the composition of the methodological techniques used, and in the degree of accuracy and reliability of the results obtained. The use of search tests assumes that the polygraph examiner has not only knowledge, but also practical skills to perform a certain sequence of actions for their use, as well as the interpretation of the results obtained. Special attention is paid to the consideration of a number of difficulties that arise when using search tests, directly related to the interpretation of the information received and the development of techniques for the formation of skills for solving them. The authors put the main emphasis on the fact that in the process of training polygraph examiners, self-conducting polygraph tests when solving problems modeled on the basis of situations from practical activities, as well as a detailed consideration of the causes of psychophysiological reactions, will contribute to improving the level of professional competence in decision-making in nonstandard situations. In addition, conducting a detailed analysis of the results obtained, taking into account the interpretation of the recorded reactions when using search tests, will help to reduce the likelihood of making errors of various types in the real conditions of the future polygraph examiner’s professional activity.

professional competence, polygraph test, polygraph examiner, simulated situations, tests, methods
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