Stressful situations and their overcoming
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the work was: To determine the methods of protection and behavior of the subject in stressful situations, for their effective overcoming. The following techniques were used in the work: 1) Methodology for diagnosing psychological typologies. 2) Research of individual coping strategies. E. Heim. 3) Methodology "Coping - behavior in stressful situations". Results: According to the results of the first method, the defense mechanism - denial, prevails, and according to the third method, coping oriented towards avoidance prevails. Also, for all methods, the results about a low level of prevalence of emotions coincided. The subject does not resort to emotional defenses and behavior on rare occasions. He tries to rationally think about the situation and find a way out of it. Conclusions: The subject is expected to have a stronger understanding of his psychological defenses and self-control. Recommendations for skillfully managing your own emotions and behavior both in stressful situations and in more emotionally calm situations. You need to treat yourself, your body and soul with great respect and unconditional respect. And most importantly, love yourself. It is important to master the basics of self-regulation with the help of voluntary control of well-being and controlled harmonization of mood. Continue in the direction of comprehending the miracle of transformative creativity of conscious development. The choice in the systematic replenishment of energy always has a person who knows himself, his needs and ways to satisfy them.

stressful situations, behavior, defensive reaction
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