State of the penitentiary system in Russia and its prospects in the light of global practices
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Abstract (English):
The article examines the peculiarities of the formation and development of the Russian penitentiary system, considering the historical challenges and state priorities at various stages of its development. The authors emphasize the modern Concepts of the development of the Russian penal system with respect to the international standards for the treatment of convicts. The strategic vectors of the formation of the modern penitentiary system of Russia are indicated. The authors consider the evolutionary features of the formation of the penal system as an institution at the different stages of national development. Drawing from the previous research the article provides a comprehensive version of the classification of international legal standards that affect the legal interests of citizens subjected to criminal punishment. The directions of reforming the penitentiary system considered in the article lay the foundation for the further development of the penitentiary system in Russia, bringing it closer to international standards and the demands of social development. The work reflects on the statistical data on the number of persons held in detention facilities, as well as the current penitentiary dynamics. Special attention is paid to the sphere of application of compulsive measures related to isolation from society.The authors offer the assessment of specific international acts ratified by the Russian Federation and their use in modern conditions, noting the opinions of the prominent researchers exploring the penitentiary system.

concept, reform, crime, penitentiary system, international standards, convicts, imprisonment, institutions, prevention, legal status, penal labor system
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