Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The matrix method is often used for occupational risk assessment. In this paper have been considered the matrix method’s use features, as well as have been highlighted its advantages and disadvantages. Have been presented recommendations on the risk matrix development, and criteria for categorization of occupational risk’s attributes – the effect consequences severity of hazard and its feasibility. The proposed approach to consequences severity categorization is accorded with rules and regulations regarding the severity of harm to human health, which in return facilitates mitigation the degree of uncertainty and subjectivity of the assessment results. The grading of categories for hazard feasibility is based on well-known scientific and practical approaches. Has been performed the generalization of scientific data on the hazard feasibility categorization, and have been proposed universal criteria descriptors, which allow assess the considered hazard objectively and all round, and determine the necessary category for this hazard feasibility. It has been pointed to subjective perception of categories names in final estimating of occupational risk levels, and has been proposed to use the concepts of occupational risk levels, which based on the priority relating to risk respond measures. The proposed approaches facilitate increase of quality and effectiveness of matrix method use in estimating of occupational risk levels.

occupational risk, risk assessment, occupational risk assessment, risk assessment methodology, matrix method, risk assessment matrix, consequences severity, hazard feasibility

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