Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
GRNTI 06.39 Наука управления экономикой
The development of crisis situations on a global scale and their deepening actualizes the problems of sustainable development of organizations operating in a competitive environment. The transformational changes taking place in the Russian economy today put forward new requirements for the theoretical and methodological support of the activities of commercial firms. This is especially true for large network enterprises, including retail businesses, which have a significant scale of activity and complex network interactions. In the works of both foreign and Russian scientists, various aspects of network business are considered, mechanisms and tools for strategic sustainability are proposed. However, in a turbulent environment, there is a constant search for new forms of network interaction and appropriate tools for effective activity. The purpose of this study is to develop a mechanism for managing the strategic stability of a network trade organization based on the formation of an optimal set of tools that provide the necessary level of each type of enterprise stability. The article considers the concept of "tool", offers modern tools for ensuring strategic stability in the context of various types of sustainability. This paper reveals the content of the most relevant modern tools of strategic sustainability in the context of digitalization of the network organization. The authors have developed a mechanism for strategic stability of a network trade organization, including the principles and methods of management, which allows optimizing the composition of stability tools depending on the factors of the external and internal environment. On the example of a specific organization, a list of strategic sustainability tools was formed on the basis of a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the level of each type of sustainability. The proposed methodology allows you to take into account the specifics of network trade organizations and achieve your goals more effectively using modern management tools.
tool, strategic sustainability, network trade organization, mechanism, strategy
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